Ionelia Browacki Professional. Is the outsiders a true story? The Outsiders is a non-fiction book. Non-fiction means it's not a true story and fiction means it's a true story. Kapka Morawitz Professional. Who died in outsiders?

At the rumble, the greasers defeat the Socs. Dally shows up just in time for the fight; he has escaped from the hospital. After the fight, Ponyboy and Dally hurry back to see Johnny and find that he is dying.

When Johnny dies, Dally loses control and runs from the room in a frenzy. Gertrude Ganguly Explainer. Who is spying on the SOCS for the greasers? That Cherry Valance is acting as a spy for the greasers shocks Ponyboy and Johnny, but then they learn that Bob, the dead Soc, had been her boyfriend.

Dally informs them that Cherry has said that she is willing to testify that the Socs were drunk that night and that Johnny acted only in self-defense. Rajinder Alcober Explainer. What does two bits switchblade represent? Two - Bit's switchblade is his most prized possession and, in several ways, represents the disregard for authority for which greasers traditionally pride themselves.

First of all, the blade is stolen. Second, it represents a sense of the individual power that comes with the potential to commit violence.

Wahib Rajasimha Explainer. How old is cherry in the outsiders? Zacarias Aguirre Pundit. How old is Johnny Cade? Madison Mayekar Pundit. When did PonyBoy's parents die? Steve Randle. Johnny Cade. Which character is "movie-star handsome? Sodapop Curtis. Ponyboy Curtis. Which character was previously beat up by four Socs, and left half-conscious in a vacant lot?

Darry Curtis. Which character has white-blonde hair and blue eyes? Which character likes to read books and watch movies? The Socs are.. What did Ponyboy do in Biology class one time that caused a girl to call him "hood? Cheated on a test. Told her he's a Greaser.

Pulled out his switchblade. Pulled out a gun. What makes Ponyboy different from other Greasers? He likes to shoplift things. He is a good runner. He is always positive and happy-go-lucky. Q: How does Ponyboy describe sodapop? Write your answer Related questions. What analogy does ponyboy use to describe his brother sodapop? Why did Sodapop run out when Darry and Ponyboy fought?

How do ponyboy relationship with darry and sodapop differ? The character the outsiders that gets drunk on plain living? Where does sodapop live? Who is ponyboy's brother? Who is Ponyboy's brother? Who does ponyboy look like? What does Sodapop call Ponyboy? Were Sodapop and Ponyboy nicknames? Describe Ponyboy Sodapop and Darry Curtis in the book outsider? When dally comes to the abandoned church he brings ponyboy a letter from sodapop describe the contents the letter the outsiders?

In the book outsiders when dally come to the abandoned church he bring Ponyboy a letter from sodapop Describe the content of the letter? In what year did sodapop and ponyboy live in? Did Sodapop talk about his horse? Who does Ponyboy love the most? Did Sodapop talk about his horse? Who does Ponyboy love the most? Steve randal and Ponyboy are best friends? Where did sodapop from The Outsiders live? What was ponyboy's horse's name?

Relationships between Darry and Ponyboy in 'The Outsiders'? Who wrote the letter that dally brought for Ponyboy? What does ponyboy think about his bother sodapop? How are Sodapop and Darry alike? Why are ponyboy and sodapop named the way they are? Trending Questions. Give me food and I will live give me water and I will die what am I?

What is bigger than an asteroid but smaller than Mercury and farther from the sun than Neptune? Has a human ever been mailed via the United States Postal Service? Still have questions? Find more answers. Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions.

Very likely, reminders of their own previous experience with alcohol help them to avoid the overconfidence that could lead to a relapse. Whatever the explanation, A. Traditionally, A. If the newcomer is satisfied that he or she is an alcoholic and that A. Here are some of the most common ones. Many people, nonalcoholics, report that as a result of the practice of A.

They see in them a way to happy and effective living for many, alcoholic or not. Alcoholics Anonymous had its beginnings in Akron, Ohio, in when a New Yorker on business there and successfully sober for the first time in years sought out another alcoholic. During his few months of sobriety, the New Yorker had noticed that his desire to drink lessened when he tried to help other drunks to get sober.

In Akron, he was directed to a local doctor with a drinking problem. Working together, the businessman and the doctor found that their ability to stay sober seemed closely related to the amount of help and encouragement they were able to give other alcoholics.

For four years, the new movement, nameless and without any organization or descriptive literature, grew slowly. Groups were established in Akron, New York, Cleveland, and a few other centers. In , with the publication of the book Alcoholics Anonymous, from which the Fellowship derived its name, and as the result of the help of a number of nonalcoholic friends, the Society began to attract national and international attention. A service office was opened in New York City to handle the thousands of inquiries and requests for literature that pour in each year.

For more information, see History of A. The Circle and Triangle symbol has long been connected to the A. It was adopted as an official A. Louis in , and from that point on was widely used in the Fellowship. For the Fellowship, the three legs of the triangle represented the Three Legacies of Recovery, Unity and Service, and the circle symbolized the world of A. The circle stands for the whole world of A. Within our wonderful new world, we have found freedom from our fatal obsession.

That we have chose this particular symbol is perhaps no accident. The priests and seers of antiquity regarded the circle enclosing the triangle as a means of warding off the spirits of evil, and A.

It was decided to phase out the "official" or "legal" use of the Circle and Triangle symbol, and in the General Service Conference resolved that the logo be discontinued on all Conference-approved literature. However, the symbol is still associated with Alcoholics Anonymous and other kinds of Step recovery fellowships and has a special meaning for AA members all over the world. You are an A.

The only requirement for A. There are no dues or fees for A. We in A. We are not professional therapists. Our only qualification for helping others to recover from alcoholism is that we have stopped drinking ourselves, but problem drinkers coming to us know that recovery is possible because they see people who have done it.

You do not have to reveal anything about yourself. No one will bother you if you don't want to come back. If a judge, school or employer has suggested you attend an AA meeting, they may believe there is evidence that you have a drinking problem.

Take a look at a current meeting directory. You'll see the days, times and places AA meetings are held. Meetings marked with O are Open Meetings - anyone can attend, while those marked with a C are Closed Meetings - for people who have a desire to stop drinking. AA is not affiliated with the courts, treatment centers or any medical institution. A sponsor is an alcoholic who has made some progress in the recovery program shares that experience on a continuous, individual basis with another alcoholic who is attempting to attain or maintain sobriety through A.

When we first begin to attend A. Although people at meetings respond to our questions willingly, that alone isn't enough. Many other questions occur to us between meetings; we find that we need constant, close support as we begin learning how to "live sober. For further information, read the official A. The pamphlet describes uses shared A. In our experience, the people who recover in A. Family members or close friends are welcome at "Open" A. A "Closed" meeting is for alcoholics only.

Discuss this with your local contact. The majority of A. However, everyone defines this power as he or she wishes. Many people call it God, others think it is the A. There is room in A. Perhaps the alcoholic in your life thinks that A.

Again, the facts are different. To be sure, it does not offer any material help, as a welfare department would. But A. It does not ask its members to hold to any formal creed or perform any ritual or even to believe in God. Its members belong to all kinds of churches. Many belong to none. Because most alcoholics have been unable to manage things on their own, they seem to find effective therapy in the decision to turn their destiny over to a power greater than themselves. This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.

It is common for people to have a substance use disorder and OCD concurrently, known as a co-occurring disorder. While there is no definitive answer whether kava is addictive, it is clear there are many potential risks with its use.

Call our helpline AA and the steps Alcoholics Anonymous AA was founded in , with only one requirement for membership — the desire to stop drinking alcohol.

The first three steps provide the framework for the remaining steps: Step 1 — We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable. Step 2 — Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Step 3 — Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him. Meetings are informal and led by a facilitator, providing the opportunity for members to share their story, struggle, experience, and words of encouragement.

Open AA Meetings As the name suggests, an open meeting is appropriate for anyone in the community, whether or not they feel they have a problem with alcohol. Attendees may suspect they or someone they care about has a problem with alcohol, or may simply want to learn more about AA. As with all AA meetings, attendees are requested to respect the privacy and anonymity of one another. Some of the most frequently asked questions about Alcoholics Anonymous include: Does it cost anything to attend a meeting or become a member?

How do I find a meeting? Will I have to talk at the meeting? Start Your Recovery Now! Regional Forums Information A. Around the World. Site Map. Contact Us. About G. Website Feedback. Privacy Policy. Terms of use. All rights reserved. Videos or graphic images may not be downloaded, copied or duplicated without the express written permission of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

Standard units of measurement were not always defined in lengths such as today. People began by using their own body as a measurement unit. Nowadays, thanks to the universally accepted units of measurement, the communication is made easier and statistics of global problems are discussed more clearly. The definition for meter and unit varied differently over the years. It makes you wonder, why the existing units of measurement are considered so accurate?

Why are they more appreciated than the antique ones? History of the meter Even though meter is now used across the whole Europe as a standard unit, Europe once used yards and inches. The meter unit was changing with time and under the reigns of kings, until it became standard and universally accepted.

This relatively precise definition of an inch was made official during the reign of King Edward the second in the 14th century. Even though there is no proof of that, barley was used as a distance unit for hundreds of years before.

It is perhaps the most popular known antique unit. More precisely it is determined by the length from the tip of the finger, positioned in right angle with the hand, to the elbow. The smaller units of a cubit were foot, hand or finger. And the larger unit than a cubit was the stride.

As you have probably concluded, this unit could vary considerably because of the difference sizes of people. All these units of measurement were valid only for Europe, while other parts of the world had their own definitions of distance units. However, in , an internationally accepted unit of measurement is accepted. And so, an agreement for yard and pound is made in February the same year.

An inch was officially recognized to being 25,4 millimeters. However, the reason for the meter to be considered as accurate and be still used as a standard measure is that it uses the Earth as a reference.

History of a foot Since there was little information on the Earth, in the history people set up the units of length by using the human body. Since the human body is different, the units of distance were not standard. Nevertheless people did their best and improvised. So if you want to convert meters to feet using your own calculator, just multiply your number of meters by 3.

You have a roll of tape and the label says there are 15 meters of tape on the roll. How many feet of tape are on the roll? Multiply 15 meters by 3. Basic Calculator. Meters to Feet Conversion m to ft. Meters to Feet and Inches. Enter Meters:. Round to Decimal Places:. Fractions of an Inch:. Answer: 3.

This allows consumers to buy more house for their money. If you plan to buy a house or refinance a mortgage any time in the near future, you should consider ARM loans along with fixed-rate mortgages.

The right ARM could increase the amount you qualify to finance or make it easier to buy when home prices are increasing. An ARM with a lower rate may allow you to qualify for a bigger loan. Note that 3-year ARMs are more expensive than their more stable counterparts, 5- and 7-year loans. This could be that more consumers are choosing longer-term ARMs, so with volume come discounts.

Understand, however, that various programs qualify ARM borrowers differently than they do fixed-rate borrowers. FHA qualifies you at the note rate. ARMs operate differently than fixed-rate loans. The ARM you choose is named for the way it works.

To calculate the fully-indexed rate , you add two figures — an index and a margin. Movements in the index on which your ARM is based determine whether your rate increases or drops when it resets. The illustration below shows how some indexes have moved in the past. When you choose an ARM, you and your lender agree on a margin. Its rate has been fixed at 2. Either way, take the time to compare lenders since rates and loan payments can vary considerably, just like fixed interest rates.

Does the rate and payment on the ARM jump significantly at that time, and begin eating into those initial savings? Or do you have a plan to avoid that, such as a home sale or refinance? This lower-payment mortgage may also free up cash to pay off credit card debt, student loans, an auto loan, or any other higher-APR debt you hold, or for home improvements. So you actually benefit twice. You pay less and your mortgage balance is smaller after five years more home equity and a higher net worth.

It might not always be this good. In fact, you might only save money for the first five years of your year loan. And most importantly, the adjusted rate may not be affordable, which can lead to a lot of trouble. In fact, during the loan application process mortgage lenders typically qualify you at a higher expected rate to ensure you can make more expensive mortgage payments in the future should your ARM adjust higher. And most people either sell or refinance within 10 years despite taking out fixed loans with year terms.

The big question is where will refinance rates be when it comes time to make your move? Aug 20 Where are the military training schools located? Jan 27 For the E-5 Soldiers, what happens as far as the promotion, is it after the class and the Soldier has been awarded the new MOS? After an active duty Soldier is selected, do they then wait for a class date or take the online classes and then attend class? If I have something derogatory in my record, can I still apply or is there a waiver?

What if I have a profile? Do I have to reenlist to submit a packet? Do I have to reenlist when I complete training as a 51C to meet the service remaining requirement? Do I get ALC credit for attending training? How long does it take to get a training seat? Jan 23 Any equipment or clothing that a soldier has is from a contract between the U. Government 51C NCO and a vendor. This position is eligible for free to low-cost medical and dental, paid sick time, low-cost life insurance and paid vacation.

The positive features that previous employees discuss are the environment that you work in and the people you work with. Soldiers also discuss the diverse culture and the support they are able to offer to soldiers in the field. A negative aspect that is frequently discussed in reviews is the difficult programming that must be used.

This position allows soldiers to gain skills that can be valuable in civilian career fields such as sales and marketing, purchasing or procurement. Soldiers in this MOS have the opportunity to receive additional credentials that will help support a career as a civilian. Previous soldiers in this position note that the position is difficult but it can be rewarding know their work effects soldiers.

The skills learned in this MOS relate to sales, purchasing, logistics and procurement civilian positions. MOS 51C Background. Your email address will not be published.

To move the icon to a different position on the Home screen where you added it, open that Home screen, and drag it where you want it to be.

What if you want to delete the icon but still keep the app? Drag the icon to the Trash. The icon disappears, but the app remains, and is accessible from the App Menu. In a perfect world, apps would never misbehave. An app may quit the moment you launch it, or cause your Xoom to restart, or do any number of odd things. If that happens, try these steps:. Launch the app again. When you launch the app again, it just may work properly.

Uninstall and reinstall. There may have been an oddball installation problem. So uninstall the app, and then reinstall it. That action sometimes fixes the problem.

Restart the Xoom. Just as restarting a computer sometimes fixes problems for no known reason, restarting the Xoom may have the same effect. Reset the Xoom. If an app causes the Xoom to stop responding, then you have to reset the tablet.

See Resetting Your Xoom on page for details. Skip to main content. Start your free trial. Chapter 4. Downloading and Using Apps. Note Some Android apps cost money, but many more are free. Apps and Multitasking. Where to Get Apps. Using Market. Browsing by Library Divisions and Categories. Searching the Market for Apps. Getting Info About an App. Tip Be careful when using the star ratings as a guide to download and pay for an app. Downloading and Installing Apps. Installing free apps. Installing for-pay apps.

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On the opposite side appeared to be a covered micro-SD card slot. The rest of my observations on the Xoom reflect the redesigned Android 3. I could move amongst the five homescreens lickety-split, and even the 3D carousels for music, YouTube, and Google Books moved smoothly and sharply. I liked the lack of capacitive touch buttons in the bezel; on the Android 2.

By integrating the navigation buttons into the interface, so it appears on the screen with your content, Google eliminates the annoyances of upside-down home buttons, let alone the concern of buttons being in the way of your palm or forefingers as you hold a device. XYH-5 Mic Capsule. SGH-6 Mic Capsule. The SGH-6 Shotgun capsule adds a professional-quality hyperdirectional that is, highly directional microphone turning your H6 or H5 into the perfect audio recorder for anyone working in film, video or live theater, or for ENG electronic news gathering applications.

EXH-6 Mic Capsule. It allows you to connect two additional discrete channels for external microphones, instruments, mixers or portable music players. SSH-6 Mic Capsule. The SSH-6 mid-side stereo shotgun capsule includes a super-directional microphone for picking up sound in the center, as well as a bidirectional side mic for picking up sounds from the left and right.

This allows you to record a fully mono-compatible stereo image—ideal for film, video, and television projects. For example, you can capture dialogue with the center mic, and then mix in the desired amount of environmental sound captured by the side mic directly on your Zoom recorder, or in postproduction. A hairy windscreen is included for reduction of wind noise. The H6 records individual WAV files in any of the following formats:.

Yet, World Vision is respectful of other faiths. World Vision encourages public awareness about the needs of others, the causes of poverty, and the nature of compassionate response. These efforts include collaboration with media and community participation in fundraising.

In all its communications, World Vision upholds the dignity of suffering children and families in presenting explanations of the causes and consequences of poverty, war, neglect, and abuse. World Vision believes witnessing from Christ is a fundamental part of their relief work. The organization believes that God , in the person of Jesus , offers hope of renewal, restoration, and reconciliation. World Vision seeks to express this message through "life, deed, word, and sign".

World Vision's programs and services are provided without regard to race , ethnic origin , gender , or religion. World Vision offices often hire non-Christian staff, and in some countries the majority of staff may be people of other faiths who are sympathetic to World Vision's ethos and objectives. However, in the US all staff are required to sign a statement affirming their belief in Jesus Christ and background checks are often made with a candidate's pastor or priest. Search form Search.

Future Students. Courses Course Login Course Schedule. Request Additional Information Email. Armour Chairperson Int'l Board , Dr. Dean R. Hirsch President Area served 97 countries Focus Well being of all people, especially children. Website www. History World Vision was founded in by Dr. Organizational structure World Vision International operates as a federation of interdependent national offices, each overseen by their own boards or advisory councils. Faith for Content :. Faith Free Content.

Sponsors can encourage the child they sponsor by writing or even visiting their sponsored child and his or her family. By combining the donations given by many sponsors in a project area, World Vision works with a large community for an extended period — typically 15 years.

This helps to achieve legitimate development objectives chosen by the community that will benefit sponsored children, their peers, all their families and the whole population. Typically, these activities relate to quality education, health, nutrition, and clean water. At its heart child sponsorship is a relationship-building tool. The community, the organisation and the sponsors all have opportunities for growth as they unite in the struggle to identify and deal with the effects and deeper causes of poverty.

World Vision is an independent private Christian organisation and is not formally affiliated with any government, denomination, foundation or corporation, though it maintains positive working relationships with all of these. World Vision does not proselytise. The organisation does not demand that people hear any religious message or convert to Christianity before, during, or after receiving assistance.

Educational activities based on Christian values may occasionally be included in World Vision projects if appropriate and desired by the community. However, World Vision respects the religious beliefs and practices in countries where it operates and seeks mutual understanding with people of all faiths.

Whenever appropriate, World Vision works in partnership with local churches and other faith-based organisations in an effort to work inclusively and collaboratively within existing community structures. Our focus is to respond to human need, and our compassion and professionalism reflect our faith. Communities always contribute to development projects and have a real sense of ownership and true participation. Community participation is integral to transformational development.

Community development projects are designed to be sustainable with locally available resources, technology, materials, and leadership. Families and individuals share in project leadership, responsibilities, and activities from the start. They are well equipped and motivated to continue in these roles when World Vision ends its direct involvement in a community. WVI was established in to strategically coordinate and ensure consistent operating policies and standards globally across all Partnership offices.

For example, if children are hungry in a community, World Vision aims to resolve the underlying food insecurity issues affecting the community by investing in projects like improved irrigation systems, seeds, and training.

Using this approach, children get the food they need — not just for this year, but sustainably into the future. In , American missionary Dr Robert Pierce travelled to China and Korea, where he met people who regularly went without basics like food, clothing, shelter and medicine.

Back in the United States, he started fundraising for his work supporting children in Asia. The strength of the public response was such that, in September , World Vision was founded, headed by Pierce. World Vision Australia opened in August , forming part of the World Vision International Partnership which today operates in more than 90 countries. During this decade we expanded operations to assist refugees in Indochina, as well as people affected by disasters in Bangladesh and in several African nations.

Donations from Australians grew, and we became a dominant presence in the nation's non-government organisation community. Child sponsorship shifted focus from individual children to community development — for the benefit of all children.

Relief efforts expanded to Laos and war-torn Cambodia. We came to the aid of orphans and Vietnamese refugees stranded at sea. Disaster response and long-term development became increasingly important, and new international offices broadened our global reach and capacity.

You may minimize heat input by using small diameter weld rods. Weld a little, skip forward with no weld, then weld a little more. If you forcibly tac them, you prohibit movement, which will eventually lead to serious warp or fracture.

Chiller bars may be used to dissipate heat. Placed adjacent to the weld, they act to absorb some of the heat heat sink and slow the rate of cooling.

Moisture, heat, forced alignment that disallows movement, contaminants on the metal, such as grease, oil and rust, are all impediments to successful welds. Chemical elements contained in the steel may inhibit successful welding. Carbon levels, sulfur, phosphorus, and other elements may diminish your chances for a successful weld. In maintenance areas condition are seldom conducive to sound welding.

Certified, or very experienced welders will know what cautions to observe. Close this window and log in. Join Us Close. Are you an Engineering professional? Join Eng-Tips Forums! Join Us! By joining you are opting in to receive e-mail. Promoting, selling, recruiting, coursework and thesis posting is forbidden.

Students Click Here. Related Projects. My Archive. Learn methods and guidelines for using stereolithography SLA 3D printed molds in the injection molding process to lower costs and lead time. Discover how this hybrid manufacturing process enables on-demand mold fabrication to quickly produce small batches of thermoplastic parts.

Download Now. Weldments susceptible to cold cracking are required by the structural welding code AWS D1. This allows sufficient time for trapped hydrogen to diffuse out of the weld and heat affected zone. If no cracks are present 48 hours after welding the weldment is considered good.

To learn more about the causes and remedies for this type of cold cracking read Factors Influencing Hydrogen Induced Cracking. Many cracks that occur after the weld and heat affected zone have cooled down are not hydrogen induced cracks. Rather, they are cracks caused by weld discontinuities that created stress risers or reduced the effective area of the weld.

These cracks typically occur while the weldment or structure is already in service. This will be discussed in more detail in the coming weeks when we discuss the importance of crack location for root cause determination.

Proper inspection after welding is very important to prevent a discontinuity from creating problems. However, it is more important to have proper welding and fabricating procedures that prevent or limit susceptibility to discontinuities and defects.

And to reiterate, if you have a weld that cracks be sure to figure out why it did so you can prevent it from happening in the future. Welding Metallurgy and Weldability by John C. What type of inspection of the HAZ are you proposing? The cracks do not start or end in the weld metal they run parallel to it and they re outside the HAZ. They appeared about 4 or 5 days after the job was commissioned.

The pipe transports borehole water from the borehole to a tank at about 6 bar max. The welders are all good welders and these same welders have done lots of other jobs at our factory with very good results and continue to get good results on subsequent jobs. Does anyone have a similar experience that can shed some light? Your first line of your article mentions a truck axle.

We have been seeing a lot of axle failures and the axle company in central MO says they use a robot weld and it is not there fault. All failures have been the weld. All of the re-welded welds hold but they clam no responsibility and they note that they know what they doing.

By the looks of all failures they are clueless about welding. There are cracks on the top and the root of the weld is incomplete. The fusion to the axle is little to none. Again they state that it meets there expectations.

What do we do? A manufacturer that claims no responsibility for weld failures without proper investigation certainly sounds a bit fishy. Assuming that the axles are being used per the manufacturers specifications not exceeding limits or being misused , they should not fail.

Before he, and our visiting friend from New York, Terry, began their journey with Davis, Charles knew he had come upon dangerous information.

The drive past heavy military roadblocks into the heart of Santiago where Pinochet's forces were on a search-and-destroy mission for Allende supporters, provided the perfect opportunity for Davis to evaluate Charles and his loyalties. This reality did not escape my husband, and he began to fear Captain Davis.

Charles returned to our home in Santiago, and as he recounted his journey and discoveries to me, we resolved to leave the country. On 17 September, we separately embarked on our errands for the day, and kissed each other goodbye.

I did not realize at the time that I would never see my husband alive again. Later that day, Charles was abducted from our home by more than a dozen Chilean soldiers.

He was brought to the national stadium, where some of the most brutal of the regime's crimes were carried out against presumed Allende "sympathizers". When I returned to find our home in disarray, and Charles missing, I feared the worst. In the days and weeks that followed, Charles' father, Ed Horman, and I sought the help of American officials.

Rather than aiding our search, however, they inquired about our social circles, and asked if we had been "annoying" the Chileans. He was seized in his home as he collected his belongings. All Sections. About Us. B2B Publishing. At around the same time, his friend Frank Teruggi, also an American, was arrested and executed. For some 25 years, the U. In , the Horman family filed suit alleging that the U. The court, however, dismissed the suit on the grounds that the Hormans had not produced enough evidence showing that the U.

Around that time, the U. Almost 20 years later, however, President Clinton ordered that the records relating to the Pinochet coup be declassified. Consequently, some of the blacked-out sections of that State Department document were released.

They said that. At best, it was limited to providing or confirming information that helped motivate his murder by the government of Chile. The film drew widespread attention and prompted an unusual three-page statement from the United States State Department on the eve of the premiere.

The Government disputed the film, saying officials diligently sought to find Charles Horman, and they denied any implications of complicity. Why Charles Horman was killed remains a mystery. A year-old Harvard graduate, he was living in Chile as a film maker and writer. By chance, he went to the Valparaiso coast the day the coup began and saw the invasion.

Fearing for their safety, Charles Horman and his wife, Joyce, sought a flight out of Chile. When he returned home to collect his belongings, soldiers broke in and took him away.

Cosmopolitan See more videos. Click to expand. Replay Video. Microsoft and partners may be compensated if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. Found the story interesting? Like us on Facebook to see similar stories. I'm already a fan, don't show this again. Send MSN Feedback. Adding insult to injury was the blatant lack of interest that many English royals showed for the region.

Queen Elizabeth announced her intention to make Charles Prince of Wales in , when he was just nine years old. At the time, the idea was greeted with excitement by the Welsh people, who felt having the Heir Apparent in their camp would be a wonderful thing. Eleven years later, sentiments had changed. Wonder had been replaced by irritation and followed by contempt. Buckingham Palace, together with the then-Labour government, decided that Prince Charles needed to acquaint himself with Wales. He was pulled out of his ivory tower he was studying at Cambridge University for a term to attend Aberystwyth University and be tutored in all things Welsh, including the language.

His mentor was Edward Millward , an eminent academic who also happened to be a Welsh nationalist active in the Plaid Cymru party the political party of Wales which advocates home rule. It was a bold move, and in many ways Charles was being thrown to the lions. When the Prince arrived in Wales the opposition was obvious. Little Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor makes his public debut. David M. Benett Getty Images. Keystone-France Getty Images.

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With each growing year, this event brings the world's best mariachi musicians and dancers to grace the stage with an art form that is undoubtedly contagious. Additionally, last year was the first year the festival added Ballet Folklorico to its vibrant repertoire.

The event taking place from July , includes classes, workshops, and several evenings of spirited and colorful performances that give authenticity to the title word - spectacular. In addition to several multi-stage performances in the evenings, the festival offers workshops teaching attendees about instruments, dance, and world culture during the day. From life-size art to flavorful food, and craft beer to technology -- not-to-mention five stages of big name musical artists -- this event has something for people all ages, interests, and tastes.

Mark your calendars for August 25! Make yourself comfortable in the Sawmill District's newest additions! From craft beer and retail to art and urban living, this former lumber distribution center is continuing to transform into a hub for shopping, entertainment, and more. Shop for a high-desert, minimal aesthetic at the recently-opened Spur Line Supply Co.

Learn about the rich and thriving cultures that help to make up Albuquerque's unique heritage. At the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center , educate yourself on the 19 Pueblos of the surrounding area and experience a taste of their culture and heritage with weekly traditional Native dances, handmade Native American silver and turquoise jewelry, and carefully crafted dishes at the Pueblo Harvest Cafe comprised of ingredients sourced from each of the Pueblos.

Take a step further and deepen your understanding of the city's Hispanic cultural heritage at the National Hispanic Cultural Center , featuring an art museum, state-of-the-art performing arts complex, library, and genealogy center.

Keep an eye out for can't-miss events at these world-class facilities. The complex's grand opening came accompanied by special guest, Albuquerque home grown Alex Bregman from the Houston Astros, who expressed sincere hope and positivity in regards to what the new complex would do for the future of baseball and softball in the area.

In early , Albuquerque's Civic Plaza will finalize an exciting new facelift complete with interactive water feature, stage with ampitheater-style seating, and vibrant sound system. The plaza sits just west of the city's newly-renovated convention center and provides the perfect setting for locals, visitors, and convention attendees to socialize and soak in Albuquerque's more than days of soul-warming sunshine.

Shoppers rejoice! If the shopping bug hasn't subsided, continue the shopping spree across the street at Albuquerque's Coronado Center where you'll find your perfect shade of terra-cotta lipstick at Sephora or encounter organizational bliss at the Container Store along with so much more. Experience an international event where Native people from all over the globe come together to celebrate culture, heritage, and a way of life.

This expressive Pow Wow allows for Native people from each respective nation to share their story with others, educate younger generations on practices and traditions, and ignite curiosity within those who want to learn more.

The occasion includes traditional dance competitions, pageantry, Native food, music, and more welcomes both Native and non-Native visitors alike to attend the events. Albuquerque proudly welcomes film-makers, producers, actors, visionaries, and fans alike. The last decade has proven that Albuquerque is an ideal destination for those who have a big screen dream that needs to be brought to life. With a number of different fan favorites that have been filmed in Albuquerque , visitors can stop at all their favorite recognizable spots along the way.

With all that Albuquerque has to offer for , your next vacation already has a destination. Order your Visitor's Guide today and start planning now! The minute ride inside glass-enclosed cars takes visitors 2. Bring a sweater, and always call ahead to confirm that the tram is running. No reservations. Prefer those panoramic views with your feet on terra firma? The popular trail, with changing vegetation, massive rocks, lovely wildflowers and abundant switchbacks, is nearly 9 miles one way you can ride the tram down , with the highest point surpassing 10, feet.

Wear sturdy shoes, a hat and sunscreen. Pack plenty of water and snacks. Pack rain gear, too. Hey, this is New Mexico. Got exercise out of the way. The Nob Hill of my youth was little more than one craft store where I bought Styrofoam balls for a school science project. Today, the trendy area spans a full mile along Central Avenue on famous Route Spend a day at an abundance of boutiques, galleries and restaurants, where college students, professionals and locals flock to outdoor tables.

This Albuquerque institution opened in across from the university and looks a lot like it did back then. The food is still great — fast, filling, cheap — and the people-watching is better. Enjoy the large collection of John Wayne art on the walls, too, built up over the years by owners Larry and Dorothy Rainosek. Open daily from 5 a. The 10 blocks around its central plaza include art galleries and restaurants. Musicians frequently perform in the plaza square.

The Pueblo Harvest Cafe offers traditional fry bread and posole hominy stew with chile , as well as other feast day foods.

Call ahead to find out about Indian dance performances. Also known as Sky City, Acoma is the oldest continuously inhabited community in North America, sitting nearly feet above the desert floor and offering beautiful views for miles.

The hourlong drive from Albuquerque is a winner, too, with spectacular rock formations is that a sphinx? Immerse yourself in our painted skies, abundant space and more than days of sunshine, which make it possible to ski the slopes of the Sandia Mountains and play a round at one of our award-winning golf courses , all in the same day. Albuquerque is an oasis in the high desert, full of rich history and inspiring ideas.

Plan your trip today , and leave Albuquerque viewing your own world in a whole new light. Virtual Tour. Our team of locals keep you up to date on what to do, where to go, and where to eat and drink all around Albuquerque.

Looking back now, it is amazing to see how diverse Minnesota has become and how much the make up of the population has changed since my childhood. Of course there are enormous challenges with immigration, and there are many Americans who are for and against it.

Accepting immigrants into our nation places a heavy strain on already tight financial and social resources. We need to invest a lot in immigrants and their families to ensure they will succeed. Some do truly amazing and achieve the American Dream while others end up straining resources by being stuck inside housing projects, on welfare, and even worse becoming terrorists.

The recent attack at the Watergate Mall in Kenya proves that terrorism has its reach. There are beliefs that two Somali Americans from Minnesota were recruited by the extremist group Al-Shabab and participated in this horrendous act of violence.

Yet, our country has been founded on freedom and immigration. We have always been and probably always will be a nation of immigrants. We cannot close the door to all. It is a delicate balance and one that is extremely complex. No matter what your views are on immigration, it is something to deeply contemplate and try to understand.

My children are part of this new Minnesota and have children with African, Asian and Mexican heritage in their class. Since Minnesota has the largest Somali population in the United States, I wanted to share some additional information I found from the following resources about the Somali people and why they are coming to Minnesota.

All information below from The World Relief Minnesota website. Click here for link. The population of the country was between million before This country had a democratic government until there was a military coup in , led by Siad Barre. Different clans fought among themselves to gain control of the country, which led to civil war and anarchy. A resulting famine, exacerbated by the civil strife gained world attention, leading to U.

After the killing of U. From that time to the present, Somalis have fled the country and many have lived in refugee camps in Kenya. Many Somalis were resettled in Europe, Canada, and the U. S, estimated to be around 50, or more. Why here? Somalis originally came to Minnesota because of the good economy and low unemployment. More recently they have come because there is a recognized community here — Somali shops, businesses and restaurants.

I also found this publication to be very informative when discussing the challenges and opportunities with immigration to Minnesota. Here are a few screen shots of the report that I found particularly interesting. Very excellent and informative post. Sitting beside her was one of those coincidences of fate that can lead to good things in many directions when people recognize them and act, as you have done.

Thanks in behalf of her and all the others in her situation. My daughter has befriended a little girl whose parents are from Somalia.

It will be really nice to connect more with our Somalian community here in MN. Very nice read! Minnesota Weather. Here's How To Ensure Your Furnace Is Winter-Ready With a chilly week ahead, many homeowners may be thinking of turning on their furnaces for the first time this season. The product, used for clearing driveways and sidewalks of ice and snow, is made in North Dakota.

With the supply issues in many industries, even something made so close to Minnesota still might run out this season. In it, Minnesota and Wisconsin are forecast to have "equal chances" for above-, near-, and below-normal temperature and precipitation. So what does that mean? National Team Match In St. Somalis retain primarily an oral culture in which religious and political oratory as well as storytelling, songs and poetry are highly valued.

Many Somalis also speak Arabic, the language of Islam. Older Somalis may have received education in the colonial languages — English in the north and Italian in the south. Some Somalis in Minnesota may also speak Swahili as a result of living in Kenyan refugee camps. Many social norms in Somalia are derived from Islamic tradition.

Islam forbids believers to eat pork products or drink alcohol. Those who strictly follow Islam may not work in an establishment that serves either pork or alcohol.

Islam requires the faithful to pray five times per day. Some Somalis will stop work to pray at prescribed times or pray during a break or other arranged time. While many Somalis are hard working, law abiding, good citizens, there appears to be a significant percentage who maintain their clan ties and animosities, make no attempt at integrating themselves into the general population, and are prone to violence.

Some of the violence is Somali vs. Somali- for example the triple murder at the Seward Market in and the daytime shooting a few weeks ago on Franklin Ave.

But a lot of it is more akin to the piracy which takes place off the Somali coast: gangs of Somalis have been mugging area bicyclists for years and the trail that follows the light rail. Residents of Minneapolis will also likely remember the youtube video posted by young Somali gangsters a year or two back showing them assaulting random pedestrians and bicyclists with no apparent motive other than laughs.

For example, rampant littering, uninsured driving, treatment of Somali women as chattel and sex slaves by the men, welfare fraud. Even little actions show great disrespect: II can say honestly that every person I have seen but into a line in the last few years has been a young Somali.

While it would be worrying enough that there is a group in the state with this apparent love of violence and disrespect of social conventions, what makes me even more scared is the growth of the community. Although I have never been able to find any firm numbers, it appears that the local Somali community is maintaining the fertility rate of their homeland- somewhere around 5 or 6 kids per family. And likewise- although official numbers are not available a huge percentage of the Somali population relies on public money and social services for almost every facet of their lives i.

And if public support ever goes away, the muggings seem sure to get even more frequent. I welcome the fact that CBS opened a comment section on this story. Our local papers, the Star Tribune and the Pioneer Press will almost never allow comments on articles related to the Somali community, and when they do the comments are heavily censured.

To keep your vehicle running smoothly, you should know the subtle symptoms that can suggest a problem. An adapter that tracks and diagnoses will be helpful here. Insert it into your dashboard, and it will collect information about your car. When your vehicle needs maintenance or oil change, an app will notify you. Moreover, it will notify you when you need to replace faulty parts. It will be possible to locate your car using the tracker, making it easy to recover if someone steals it.

If your vehicle breaks down on the road and you don't know where you are, you can quickly call roadside assistance. Key Finder. It can be frustrating to lose your car key, especially when you're late for an appointment. You can be smart about it and avoid the hassle of searching for your lost key.

Get a key finder. Tracking your keys can help you find them fast if you lose or misplace them. With some key finders, you can use an app to locate your keys via GPS. Others have Bluetooth capabilities, so you can find your keys using an app.

The battery-powered finders are ideal for attaching to anything you don't want to lose. Key finders do more than make your car smart; they are also lifesavers. We all want to get a smart car, but they are expensive to get.

You'll benefit from these modifications as some help you avoid accidents at a low price. Also, you get to enjoy the features of a smart car without buying one. As we humans face loss and grief on a daily basis, it's challenging to see the good in all the change.

Here's a better perspective on how we can deal with this inevitable feeling and why it could help us grow. What a scary meaning for such a small word.

Loss comes in all shapes and sizes. Just like us. Just like human beings. A loss sends us into a spiral. An uncontrollable, spirling feeling you feel coming up your throat. Oftentimes, when we experience loss, we beg for the "one mores". One more hug, please. Can I have one more kiss? Just one more laugh we can share? We wish for these experiences to just happen once more as if that would ever be enough. The reality is that even if we were privileged with one more, we would want another.

And another. We'd never be satisfied. We'd eventually just wish for eternity. Loss is necessary. Loss is natural. Loss is inevitable. Loss was never defined as easy.

In fact, it has to be hard. It has to be hard for us to remember. To remember those warm embraces, to remember the feeling of their lips on yours, and to remember the smile on their face when you said something funny.

But why are we so afraid of loss after all? We are so blessed to have experienced it to begin with. It means there was a presence of care. That ache in our heart and the deep pit in our stomach means there was something there to fill those vacant voids. The empty spaces were just simply whole. We're all so afraid of change. Change in our love life or our families, change in our friendships and daily routines.

One day we will remember that losing someone isn't about learning how to live without them, but to know their presence, and to carry what they left us behind. For everything we've deeply loved, we cannot lose. They become a part of us. We adapt to the way they talk, we make them a part of our Instagram passwords, we remember when they told us to cook chicken for 20 minutes instead of We as humans are so lucky to meet so many people that will one day leave us.

We are so lucky to have the ability and courage to suffer, to grieve, and to wish for a better ending. For that only means, we were lucky enough to love.

When Sony announced that Venom would be getting a stand-alone movie, outside of the Tom Holland MCU Spider-Man films, and intended to start its own separate shared universe of films, the reactions were generally not that kind.

Even if Tom Hardy was going to take on the role, why would you take Venom, so intrinsically connected to Spider-Man's comic book roots, and remove all of that for cheap action spectacle? Needless to say I wound up hopping on the "lets bash 'Venom'" train. While I appreciated how much fun Tom Hardy was having and the visual approach to the symbiotes, I couldn't get behind the film's tone or story, both of which felt like relics of a bygone era of comic book storytelling that sacrificed actual pathos for that aforementioned cheap spectacle.

But apparently that critical consensus was in the minority because audiences ate the film up. On top of that, Ruben Fleischer would step out of the director's chair in place of Andy Serkis, the visual effects legend behind characters like 'The Lord of the Rings' Gollum and 'Planet of the Apes' Caesar, and a pretty decent director in his own right.

Now with a year-long pandemic delay behind it, 'Venom: Let There Be Carnage' is finally here, did it change my jaded little mind about the character's big-screen worth? Surprisingly, it kind of did. I won't pretend that I loved it by any stretch, but while 'Let There Be Carnage' still features some of its predecessor's shortcomings, there's also a tightness, consistency and self-awareness that's more prevalent this time around; in other words, it's significantly more fun!

A year after the events of the first film, Eddie Brock played by Tom Hardy is struggling with sharing a body with the alien symbiote, Venom also voiced by Hardy. Things change when Eddie is contacted by Detective Pat Mulligan played by Stephen Graham , who says that the serial killer Cletus Kasady will talk only with Eddie regarding his string of murders. His interview with Kasady played by Woody Harrelson leads to Eddie uncovering the killer's victims and confirming Kasady's execution.

During their final meeting, Kasady bites Eddie, imprinting part of Venom onto Kasady. When Kasady is executed, the new symbiote awakens, merging with Kasady into a bloody, far more violent incarnation known as Carnage. It's up to Eddie and Venom to put aside their differences to stop Carnage's rampage, as well as Frances Barrison played by Naomi Harris , Kasady's longtime girlfriend whose sonic scream abilities pose a threat to both Venom and Carnage.

So what made me completely switch gears this time around? There's a couple reasons, but first and foremost is the pacing. Serkis and screenwriter Kelly Marcel know exactly where to take the story and how to frame both Eddie and Venom's journeys against the looming threat of Carnage.

Even when the film is going for pure, outrageous humor, it never forgets the qualms between Eddie and Venom should be at the center beyond the obvious comic book-y exhibitions. If you were a fan of Eddie's anxious sense of loss, or the back-and-forth between he and the overly eccentric Venom, you are going to love this movie.

Hardy has a great grasp on what buttons to push for both, especially Venom, who has to spend a chunk of the movie contending with losing Eddie altogether and find their own unique purpose among other things, what is essentially Venom's "coming out" moment that actually finds some weight in all the jokes. Then there's Harrelson as Carnage and he absolutely delivers!

Absolutely taking a few cues from Heath Ledger's Joker, Harrelson is leaning just enough into campy territory to be charismatic, but never letting us forget the absolutely shattered malicious mind controlling the spaghetti wrap of CGI. Serkis' directing itself deserves some praise too.

Even the thought of "long enough" puzzles me. Would I have trusted the stranger if I had only sat at the same table as him for half an hour? Would I be more inclined to leave my backpack for longer if we had sat in each other's presence for longer?

I don't know. Maybe one day a psychologist or sociologist will answer my questions. In the meantime, I am bewildered by the general distrust I have of society, and yet the unusual trust I have of a stranger. Don't let this stop you from making your car smart. You can change the one you have using smart gadgets that transform your car into a smart car. Cars are no longer just a mode of transport, where you only worry about the engine and how beautiful its interior is.

These days, everyone wants to make their cars smarter, those with advanced technology systems. It makes sense for several reasons. It can make your vehicle more efficient and safer when you need to drive. Also, a smart car allows you to do more things you love doing while traveling. For example, you may want to play your favorite music, use your favorite apps, or even get directions.

And just like with anything, the more you can do with it, the more value you get from it. Here are five excellent gadgets that will help you make your car more valuable and efficient. Dashcams are cameras that you mount on the dashboard of your vehicle, typically looking out through the windshield. It is one of the best ways to keep your car and yourself safe. You can use it to capture video or take pictures.

It can help you monitor your driving habits or those of people who drive your car. You may also use them for recording road safety and other road-related incidents. If you want accessories, consider the land rover defender accessories And if you want to mount your camera outside your car buy go pro roof rack mounting brackets, You can then rotate your camera so that it takes photos from different angles and directions. They also come with sensors that will detect and notify you of a crash that might happen.

It also goes into an emergency protocol to help save your life. Others have speed camera alerts to notify you where speed cameras are on your route. It lets you check your speed when near the speed camera to avoid getting a speeding ticket. Roof racks are essential, especially if you plan to take road trips or carry heavy luggage. They enable you to save space inside the car. If your car comes with a factory-installed roof rack, you could upgrade it.

Use heavy-duty crossbars or side rails to enable you to carry heavy loads. You can also install a removable roof rack on cars that come without one. You'll need universal crossbars or side rails. As they are removable, you dismount them when you don't need them. The advantage of universal roof racks is you can fix them on any car model and type. You will only need to buy clamps matching your car model. Smart Tire Safety Monitor.

A flat or poorly inflated tire not only makes your car consume more fuel, but it is also a health risk as it can burst as you drive. It is also cumbersome to deflate the car after you've over-inflated it. Therefore, a smart tire monitor is what you need to avoid these problems. You can have an expert insert it onto the tire valves. They have a sensor that notifies you of the pressure and temperature of the tire.

Also, the gadget warns you if there is a problem, such as low pressure or leakage in real-time. Car Tracking and Diagnostics Adapter. To keep your vehicle running smoothly, you should know the subtle symptoms that can suggest a problem.

An adapter that tracks and diagnoses will be helpful here. Insert it into your dashboard, and it will collect information about your car. When your vehicle needs maintenance or oil change, an app will notify you. Moreover, it will notify you when you need to replace faulty parts. It will be possible to locate your car using the tracker, making it easy to recover if someone steals it.

If your vehicle breaks down on the road and you don't know where you are, you can quickly call roadside assistance. Key Finder. It can be frustrating to lose your car key, especially when you're late for an appointment. You can be smart about it and avoid the hassle of searching for your lost key. Get a key finder. Tracking your keys can help you find them fast if you lose or misplace them. With some key finders, you can use an app to locate your keys via GPS.

Others have Bluetooth capabilities, so you can find your keys using an app. The battery-powered finders are ideal for attaching to anything you don't want to lose. Key finders do more than make your car smart; they are also lifesavers. We all want to get a smart car, but they are expensive to get. You'll benefit from these modifications as some help you avoid accidents at a low price. Also, you get to enjoy the features of a smart car without buying one. As we humans face loss and grief on a daily basis, it's challenging to see the good in all the change.

Here's a better perspective on how we can deal with this inevitable feeling and why it could help us grow. What a scary meaning for such a small word. Loss comes in all shapes and sizes. Just like us. Just like human beings. A loss sends us into a spiral. An uncontrollable, spirling feeling you feel coming up your throat. Oftentimes, when we experience loss, we beg for the "one mores".

One more hug, please. Can I have one more kiss? Just one more laugh we can share? We wish for these experiences to just happen once more as if that would ever be enough.

The reality is that even if we were privileged with one more, we would want another. And another. We'd never be satisfied. We'd eventually just wish for eternity. Loss is necessary. Loss is natural. Loss is inevitable. Loss was never defined as easy. In fact, it has to be hard. It has to be hard for us to remember. To remember those warm embraces, to remember the feeling of their lips on yours, and to remember the smile on their face when you said something funny.

But why are we so afraid of loss after all? We are so blessed to have experienced it to begin with. It means there was a presence of care. That ache in our heart and the deep pit in our stomach means there was something there to fill those vacant voids.

The empty spaces were just simply whole. But I have one massive problem with this reasoning. He was hurt. He lost someone he loved. It was only then that he saw the evil of his work. He did not repent for the other lives lost to evil, and he only mourned for his own loss.

This does not make him selfless and a hero! This makes him selfish and self-absorbed. Snape was bullied throughout Hogwarts, but he had chosen to continue this pattern with his own students. Teachers have their own styles, I get that! Remember, if the time should come when you have to choose between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort.

Even though Dumbledore is talking about Cedric Diggory, we can see that Snape chose the easy path to be a servant of Voldemort , and even when he chose the right path, he did not do it to be good or kind. Would he have sought out Dumbledore then?